Rampart (PROX)

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A set of hull upgrades and system rewrites marks this vessel as one of the Dustkeeper Proxies, a frontline force of sacrificial Domain-era drones repurposed as vicious automated auxiliaries.

Little more than an artillery platform with engines, the Rampart was attached to drone units to provide the heavy firepower necessary to meet cruiser and capital class hulls in the line of combat or to crack armoured orbital fortresses. Its upgraded variant performs this role even better, aided by an enhanced ordnance capacity and several flak dispersers to patch up its original design's vulnerability to strike weapons and fighter craft.

–Ingame description


An upgrade to the Rampart drone, the Rampart (PROX) drone cruiser is a behemoth with a hull and armor integrity that outstrips many capital ships at a fraction of the cost and can bring great firepower to the field with its selection of large weapon mounts.

An integrated flak disperser covers a lack of point-defense weapon slots, but the Rampart (PROX) still lacks any means to directly mitigate damage to its armor and is somewhat more expensive to operate than its stock version.


As with other Proxy drones, the Rampart (PROX) can be found in Dustkeeper Contingency fleets as an auxiliary unit and can be purchased from Holdout Forgeship if the player has the Automated Ships skill.


Control, our fighter screen just evaporated to a cloud of flak, and so did the payload! What the hell did they do to that thing?

–"Hornet-Actual", Piranha pilot

Come now, little crows! Come now to the grave feast and see what awaits you.

Stalwart-Annex-Barrow, simultaneous commnet intrusion