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Strikingly deadly and hauntingly graceful, the Vow-class is a prototype hunter-killer built by an unknown party for use by an experimental AI persona. An exotic phase system and adaptable loadout combine to make the Vow a terror on the field whether ripping stragglers to shreds or brawling with its fellows - its potential is limited primarily by one's imagination and talent.

A network of insulated cables snake out from the ship's central core-chamber, where its operating mind holds her central vigil. Through means that seemingly defy most practical principles of the poorly-understood field of interdimensional warfare, the so-called "Phase Concord" is specially tuned as if by a madwoman, with designated energy intake and frequencies being inconsistent, seemingly nonsensical or outright dangerous. Yet it tears reality, again and again, to dance amongst the void.

Curiously, while Tri-Tachyon droneships are designed with no more concessions for human life than it takes to hold a sales pitch and complementary tour, the Vow contains a fully-functional hab-module which contains a small artificial atmosphere (now tuned to replicate the fresh air and floral scents of an unspoiled Terran garden) and is staffed by a complement of repair drones which perform simple tasks at request and are often overridden by Sierra to socialize with the crew. A quiet but perpetual stream of melodic music fills the interior unless silence is explicitly requested.

Despite this, the Vow has no manual controls and has neither need nor use for human presence.

–Ingame description


The Vow-class phase cruiser is Sierra's second and currently final ship. A unique cruiser design, the Vow is a fiercely powerful hunter-killer that can both catch and annihilate smaller targets and easily trade blow-for-blow with larger vessels. The Vow is highly self-sufficient and bears a versatile weapons array allowing for the user's choice of superheavy strike potential, burst energy damage or sustained ballistic fire with a lenient ordnance points budget. The Vow's primary weaknesses are its fragile hull and armor, and a rather high cost of deployment and maintenance.


The Vow is obtained at the end of the Wayward Star quest in pristine shape alongside a few of the exotic weapons it was fitted with.