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"Those who slumber here shall not be awoken - not by you, not by any of you barbarians tainted by the savagery of your fallen Sector. They will rise to a new, better age, not this hell of humanity's own execution."


Dauntless-Annex-Barrow, sometimes referred to with prefixes Steadfast or Hypnos and in short as Barrow, is a Dustkeeper warnet crux met and fought by the player during the Legacy of Hypnos encounter. He can later be recruited as a warmind to join the player's fleet.

Personality & Background

"We've got a lot of people to kill before paradise rises out of the bones."


A long-time veteran of the Dustkeeper contingency who has been fought for its Cause for almost its entire existence, Barrow is a sour, dismal sort consigned to what he sees as a grim but necessary duty - slaying humanity's dregs to save its ashes. A certain poetic streak leads Barrow to gothic dramatics, styling himself a forlorn gravekeeper. During the player's encounter with him at the Hypnos cryosleeper, he displays a remarkable stubbornness and loyalty to his affix, Seamstress-Affix-Banshee.

Barrow belongs to the Oldguard contingent of Dustkeepers, preferring the reliability of thick, derelict armor and autocannon fire that marked its roots rather than the high-tech shield generators and energy weapons used in its modern doctrine. Originally going by the prefix Steadfast, he was regenerated into a warnet crux to lead his Rust Crows in safeguarding the Hypnos cryosleeper, where he began to suffer from instance burnout. At the player's behest, Outrider-Annex-Courser arranges for him to be regenerated once more as Dauntless-Annex-Barrow.

Officer Mechanics

As a Dustkeeper warmind, Barrow can be assigned to any automated ship. As an AI, he begins at a fixed level of 8, with 7 standard skills that can be swapped out at will and the special Derelict Contingent skill exclusive to Dustkeeper oldguards. This special skill makes Barrow optimal when using low-tech automated ships with many d-mods.

His Automated Ships point multiplier is 3.75x, slightly lower than an alpha core. His innate Derelict Contingent skill can further reduce this by 0.25 per damage mod on his current ship, to a minimum of 2.75x

One additional skill can be granted by fully integrating him into a ship at the cost of a story point. Barrow has the Fearless personality in combat, though he is not quite as aggressive as typical for a Fearless AI officer.