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A unique derivative of the Fulgent drone destroyer, the Pledge-class seems to have received a major overhaul by an unknown party for use by the experimental AI persona Sierra. Making use of an exotic phase system, it is well-suited to skirmishing on the outskirts of a battle and quickly striking at faults in enemy lines.

Sierra's unusual qualities seem to be a focal point of the ship, its internals a twisting web of heavily-insulated cables snaking out from where she holds her central vigil. Through means that seemingly defy most practical principles of the poorly-understood field of interdimensional warfare, the so-called "Phase Concord" is specially tuned as if by a madwoman, with designated energy intake and frequencies being inconsistent, seemingly nonsensical or outright dangerous. Sierra often likens its operation to a "dance" of sorts.

Curiously, while the Fulgent is designed with no more concessions for human life than it takes to hold a sales pitch and complementary tour, the Pledge contains a fully-functional hab-module which contains a small artificial atmosphere (tuned to replicate the fresh air and floral scents of an unspoiled Terran garden) and is staffed by a complement of repair drones which perform simple tasks at request and are often overridden by Sierra to socialize with the crew. A quiet but perpetual stream of melodic music fills the interior unless silence is explicitly requested.

Despite this, the Pledge has no manual controls and has neither need nor use for human presence.

–Ingame description


The Pledge-class phase destroyer is Sierra's first ship. A powerful one-of-a-kind destroyer with both shields and a phase cloak, the Pledge is a self-sufficient skirmisher capable of easily slinging its weight against smaller adversaries and harassing larger ships. The hull is based on the Remnant-pattern Fulgent, but trades its base hull's sheer firepower and strike potential for much greater mobility and escape potential with its phase system. The Pledge is somewhat starved for ordnance points, lacking the capacity to fit expensive weaponry, ample flux vents/capacitors and the hullmods it desires.


The Pledge is obtained during A Promise when Sierra is first recruited.