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A uniquely-patterned light destroyer that incorporates elements of Tri-Tachyon droneships but fails to be mentioned in any unofficial records of the First AI War. An esoteric weapons loadout makes up for a lack of firepower with a time-dilation shell and heavy strike package. An integrated cyberwarfare suite augments its intended user's ability to cripple hostile ships in combat.

–Ingame description


The Memoir-class light droneship destroyer is Inky-Echo-Nightingale's initial ship. While its combat specifications are lacking on paper with mediocre flux statistics and a highly unusual missile-heavy weapons layout, the Memoir's temporal acceleration system allows it to unleash unlikely amounts of firepower while performing consecutive cyberwarfare attacks against its target. Serves well at quickly eliminating frigate-sized targets with well-timed missile strikes and harassing larger ships with cyberwarfare attacks. Strike potential may degrade over long combats as the ship's missile racks run dry.

Due to its limited number of weapon slots and the sideways angle of its missile mounts, the Memoir typically mounts two pods of guided missiles alongside suitable sustained-damage energy weapons such as the IR Pulse Laser. Fitting Expanded Missile Racks can be helpful to aid the ship's longevity in combat.

The Memoir does not interact with the Automated Ships skill, and neither suffers the typical penalty to combat readiness that automated ships are subject to, nor does it count against the player's automated ship points. It can be obtained or recovered after battle regardless of if the player has the Automated Ships skill or not.


The Memoir is obtained during A Lost Thread when Nightingale is first recruited, or as her starting ship in the Banshee's Lost Thread start.


Take this as a reminder, silent echo of mine. You may soon be all that's left of me, but this is a chance I have to take. Our final duty cannot be to pen humanity's memoirs.

–logged message by Seamstress-Affix-Banshee, dated c176.07.12