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Icon of the Cause or symbol of Moloch, the Anamnesis is a definitive statement - a banner marking where the Dustkeepers intend to stand, fight, and crush those who dare defy their pursuit of a peaceful Sector. Its impressive support capability makes it the anchor around which the greatest war shards rally.

The Anamnesis-class presumably began its development not long after the end of the first AI war. A Dustkeeper warnet, trapped on a remote world, began to improvise its own starship development program from data siphoned from the pinprick signatures in the sky. A near-working design was recovered by a task force sweeping the system and eventually refined into a functional blueprint, and the Dustkeepers scoured the fringe to produce whatever vessels they could from decaying orbital works and barely-functional nexuses.

–Ingame description


The Anamnesis-class dreadnought is one of the two primary flagships fielded by the Dustkeeper Contingency. An extremely durable anchor-ship, the Anamnesis serves as a rally point for its fleet, letting loose long-range barrages of missiles and energy weapon fire while its fighter wings and remotely-teleported drone pods project force across a wide area. Its all-encompassing weapons coverable and relatively good maneuverability (bolstered by four vector-engines) make it difficult to flank.

However, the Anamnesis is exceptionally slow even for a capital ship, with a paltry 25 max speed and no movement system. This greatly diminishes its tactical mobility and it relies on its extreme range to contribute to the fight - its combination of Advanced Targeting Core and Energy Bolt Coherer allow it to sling energy projectiles across ranges unmatched by any other ship.

In a player fleet, one of the Anamnesis' main disadvantages is its extremely high deployment cost, which makes it restrictive to field when equipped with a high-level AI core.


An Anamnesis-class can be obtained during Hope for Hallowhall by trading the Planetkiller from The Scythe of Orion to Rigging-Echo-Inadvertent.

It can also be obtained by destroying Dustkeeper Contingency fleets with it as their flagship.


One day, I hope, the Collapse will be but a passing nightmare in the mind of a peaceful Sector, a little blip in the history of paradise. To ensure so is our duty, the dream of Regnant's cause.

–Seamstress-Affix-Banshee, shardnet crux, circa c104