Dustkeeper Proxy (Hullmod)

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Sotf proxy hullmod.png
This drone has undergone an extensive upgrade package by the Dustkeeper Contingency to bring it up to their rigorous specifications and resolve major design faults in Domain-era drone design.

–- hullmod description

This hullmod is present on almost all Dustkeeper Proxy droneships with the exclusion of the Picket (PROX). The hullmod provides no direct effect, but notes that ships with the hullmod have, compared to their stock variant:

  • A right-click defensive measure of some kind, whether a shield, Damper Field or Canister Flak system.
  • Additional ordnance points.
  • Improved hull and armor.
  • Improved flux dissipation. Shielded drones also gain an extremely large bonus to flux capacity, often doubling it or more.
  • In some cases, improved top speed.
  • In some cases, Steady AI personality rather than Fearless. This is noted in the hullmod description for those ships, and includes point-defense, missile and carrier drones.
  • In some cases, built-in hullmods.


  • All ships with this hullmod have a unique quote at the bottom of the hullmod's description, displayed at the bottom of the ship's wiki page.