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Although automated machines of war were forbidden in core Domain space, war drones were quietly employed outside of officially incorporated volume. Frontier garrisons were often bolstered by drone ships, and they were deployed liberally against rebellious worlds to tip the terrible balance of attrition, setting the industrial might of the Domain versus the lives of 'freedom fighters'.

Amongst the highest-grade of the Domain's war drones, the Cavalier was used primarily to hunt down and eliminate rebel frigates and destroyers that were too well-armed or fast for smaller drones to swarm and take down. Fast and durable enough to pose a serious threat to ships smaller than itself, it falters when engaging other cruisers, where it struggles to trade pound-for-pound.

–Ingame description


The closest to an elite ship that the Explorarium drones have, the Cavalier-class drone is a fast cruiser with a strong forward weapons array and respectable mobility for its size, capable of brute-forcing smaller ships it can catch. As with other Explorarium drones, however, it lacks any sort of active defense and is liable to be whittled down from afar or simply obliterated by larger volleys of fire.


As with other Explorarium drones, Cavalier-class drones can be found protecting Domain Explorarium derelicts and in some bounty missions from player contacts.