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The notes for the internally-identified DK-RSPT program outline the requirement for a maneuverable and precise battlecruiser for use by the Contingency's warnet cruxes to best leverage their ability to exploit or create cascading vulnerabilities in enemy battle lines - or, in the more colorful terms of one Ingenious-Annex-Embers: "a brutal mallet to cry havoc so the dogs can be let loose".

This class of vessel was designed from initial conception to abuse certain inherent advantages afforded to the Contingency. Exceptionally gifted in the art of electronic warfare and with no need for compromises due to the frailty of the human form and its requirements for living quarters, the Respite is instead filled with computing systems and temporal field emitters. Standard Respite-class combat doctrine calls for a remotely-executed and temporally-accelerated sabotage operation followed by the swift disassembly of its target hostile - a new frontier of fast-attack tactics.

The vessel is, however, built to strike fast, not stand fast. Armor plating is necessarily minimal, the hull itself fragile and liable to fall apart if poorly piloted.

–Ingame description


The Respite-class battlecruiser is one of the two primary flagships fielded by the Dustkeeper Contingency. An aggressive glass-cannon, its weapons layout seems initially lackluster for a capital ship but its Temporal Shell system can effectively triple its combat effectiveness for a short period. Overwhelming with the strain of several time-accelerated triggers of Cyberwarfare Protocols and a barrage of energy weapon fire, the Respite can effectively employ hit-and-run strategies to obliterate single targets before retreating. Maneuverability is exceptional for its size class owing to its usage of rotating vector-engines rather than typical fixed thrusters.

The Respite is, however, vulnerable due to its weak hull and armor and limited-arc shield. However, its shield is tough and the Respite packs a pair of flight decks, one of which is locked to a defensive Terminator wing designed to help it clear its local area of enemy fighters.

In a player fleet, one of the Respite's main disadvantages is its high deployment cost, which makes it restrictive to field when equipped with a high-level AI core.


A Respite-class can be obtained at the end of Hope for Hallowhall as Ardent-Annex-Seraph's flagship.

It can also be obtained by destroying Dustkeeper Contingency fleets with it as their flagship.


If there's one thing we agree on, dear quarry mine, it's that I'll find no peace nor absolution but in death. But oh, I certainly intend to make it yours - do tell Ludd I said 'hi'.

Wintry-Annex-Wendigo, hunter-killer warnet crux