Holdout Forgeship

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Holdout Forgeship is a converted Domain-era mothership located in the Mia's Star system and controlled by the Dustkeeper Contingency. It is their only station at present.



Rigging-Echo-Inadvertent operates as the station's logistics crux. The player can speak to him to receive a variety of missions, as they would for a contact. He does not count against the player's maximum contacts.

Cerulean Faithful

Cerulean Faithful is a damaged alpha core assigned to administration of the station. His comms entry is initially blocked, and access can be granted by speaking to Inadvertent or Ardent-Annex-Seraph.

Dustkeeper Warminds

Several generic Dustkeeper Warminds can be recruited at Holdout once the player accrues enough reputation with the Dustkeeper Contingency. They appear in the comms directory and require a story point to recruit.

Economy & Industries

Holdout is a size 3 hidden market that is not connected to the Sector's wider economy, and does not import or export goods. The forgeship automatically supplies its industries and does not suffer from shortages.

The forgeship has the following structures and industries:

  • Central Processing, which replaces the Population & Infrastructure of human colonies. The colony has no demand for human-required commodities, such as crew, food, and human luxuries of all sorts whether illicit or not. There is a constant +2 bonus to stability, and a major increase to its ground defenses.
  • Spaceport
  • Waystation
  • Heavy Industry
  • Heavy Batteries

Forgeship Surplus

The forgeship surplus market is the only submarket on the colony, as it does not have a standard open market or black market. A 6% tariff applies. This market sells:

  • Supplies (often at low prices) and fuel (in large quantity), but not crew or marines.
  • Excess commodities from heavy industry production.
  • A decent selection of Dustkeeper weapons, fighters and hullmods available to the Dustkeeper's proxy detachments. Weapon selection is good and only excludes the highest-tier armaments such as high-grade ballistic and large energy weapons.
  • A large selection of Dustkeeper Proxy drones in typically-poor condition. These can only be purchased if the player has the Automated Ships skill and can thus make use of them.

Crew and marines can not be sold on the market.

System Infrastructure

The infrastructure in the local stable locations is initially claimed by the Dustkeeper Contingency. If the player establishes a colony in this system, the comm relay stability bonus is shared with them as long as they are in decent standing with the Dustkeepers (suspicious or better). Additionally, no reputation penalty is suffered when dismantling or taking control of infrastructure if the player's colony is size 4 or higher.

Defensive Measures

Holdout is protected by many Dustkeeper Proxy warfleets: 3 small recon fleets, 2 medium patrols and 1 large detachment. Additionally, Heretofore-Annex-Blithe operates a large Dustkeeper retinue that protects the system. If not yet recruited, Ardent-Annex-Seraph fields a fleet out of Holdout which patrols the local terran-eccentric world of Hallowhall.

Local patrols pose a major threat to trade fleets and the like - player colonies will not attract trade fleets in Mia's Star. This does not affect the colony's ability to import and export goods.

When the player has a colony in Mia's Star, Holdout will reduce progress from the Colony Crises major event. The reduction is equal to 6 points per month by default, increased to 10 if Holdout's heavy industry has a corrupted nanoforge and 14 if it has a pristine nanoforge.