Sierra's Concord

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Sotf sierrasconcord.png
Blessed by space and stars, this vessel is gifted with passage between dimensions to align the Sector's true fate with its reality. In layman's terms, it is fitted with an exotic "Concord" phase system operable only by Sierra, its specialized AI persona.

–- hullmod description

This hullmod designates ships that Sierra can operate, and is only found on a few select ships.

Passively, the hullmod provides:

  • 110% time flow (increased to 115% if personally piloted while Sierra is at Co-operative reputation)
  • +10 to the ship's zero-flux speed bonus
  • +30% shield unfolding and turning rate
  • A complete negation of all crew losses
  • A guarantee that the ship will not break apart and will be recoverable after being disabled

However, the ship also suffers several penalties if Sierra is not present:

  • The ship's phase system becomes inactive
  • The hullmod's timeflow bonus becomes inactive
  • The ship's peak readiness time is reduced to 10%