The Wayward Star

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The Wayward Star is a quest in Secrets of the Frontier's Watcher Beyond the Walls module.


The quest automatically begins approximately 14 ingame days after A Memory is completed. A blue giant star will appear somewhere in the sector, and the player will be alerted of its appearance the next time they are in range of a comm relay, inviting them to visit it. Sierra must be in the player's fleet to progress the quest.

Step-By-Step Walkthrough

  • Visit the Wayward Star.
  • Explore the system. There is almost nothing of note - a few uninhabitable planets, a research station and many dancing sensor ghosts.
  • After some time, Sierra will request a comm link, informing the player of strange signals around the fleet and suggesting the player try to "scan for something" or "send out some sort of signal".
  • Use the Neutrino Detector or Distress Call abilities.
  • You will dance with the voice who asks you to.
  • You must win the "dance" (i.e. battle versus several 'ghostly' ships) to continue, and can retry as many times as needed (assuming you still have Sierra).
  • Snap out of your haze. Investigate the two nearby ships. The derelict carrier cannot be salvaged but unlocks the Concord - Wispersong hullmod for Sierra.
  • Investigate the Vow-class cruiser and install Sierra into it to complete the quest.
  • (Optional) Investigate the ship fragment revealed in orbit of the local barren world.

Battle Strategy

The player faces off against several ghostly vessels, consisting of:

Unlike in A Memory, there is no restriction on what ships the player can deploy. All enemy ships are phantoms, which disappear and are banished rather than being destroyed, and experience time at 110% the normal rate.

  • "Eidolon" is, despite her cheerful demeanor, by far the greatest threat in the enemy fleet. Her ship is fast, hardy and deadly, able to obliterate smaller ships in seconds and being very difficult to pin down. Sierra's ship can typically distract her but do little else unless supported.
  • Eidolon fights fearlessly. Swarming her ship with fighters and fast-moving destroyers and cruisers can potentially catch her out and quickly burst her down. Her ship's shields are strong, but its hull and armor are thin.
  • The Wispmothers fight almost identically to their base-model Scintilla drone carrier, but project a wide aura visible as a purple ring around the ship. All ships that are destroyed within this radius will raise several wisps that behave as short-lived fighter craft. Eidolon also projects a similar aura.
  • The rest of the enemy fleet are, while ghastly in nature, identical in function to their corporeal variants, besides their enhanced timeflow and tendency to be banished from the mortal realm rather than simply destroyed as normal.
  • Two Hyperwave Transmitters are found on the battlefield. These objectives spawn droneships to aid the side that controls them. Taking control of them is beneficial, but one should be careful of the few wisps that appear if they are destroyed in the vicinity of Eidolon or the Wispmothers.
