Bastillon (PROX)

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A set of hull upgrades and system rewrites marks this vessel as one of the Dustkeeper Proxies, a frontline force of sacrificial Domain-era drones repurposed as vicious automated auxiliaries.

The Bastillon was a hopeful project of Mbaye-Gogol to up-size its popular "Defender"-class specialized point-defense war drone. It is bigger, tougher, more heavily armed - and rather more lucrative per-unit to the MGA bottom-line. Escort performance has been optimized by the addition of a shield generator, upgraded targeting package and the replacement of its flare launchers with a flak dispersal system.

–Ingame description


An upgrade to the Explorarium Bastillon drone, the Bastillon (PROX) drone is an escort destroyer with heavy armor for its size and a powerful point-defense package, with a Canister Flak system and built-in boost to point defense damage. Unlike its original variant, the Proxy version of the Bastillon features a wide but inefficient shield.

Additionally, the Bastillon (PROX) uses a Steady personality in combat, rather than Fearless, making it less prone to suicidal maneuvers.


As with other Proxy drones, the Bastillon (PROX) can be found in Dustkeeper Contingency fleets as an auxiliary unit and can be purchased from Holdout Forgeship if the player has the Automated Ships skill.


The Cause does not accept mediocrity. The proxies shall serve with distinction. Humanity depends on its implacable aegis - we will not fail them!

–Seamstress-Affix-Banshee, DK-PROX-BSTLN notes, section 4.3 titled "Objectives"