Cyberwarfare Suite

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Sotf cwarsuite.png
This ship features an extensive suite of computing arrays and electronic warfare systems designed to break into hostile networks and execute cyberwarfare attacks.

–- hullmod description

Cyberwarfare Suite is a hullmod built-in to Dustkeeper Contingency flagship designs and the unique Memoir destroyer. When the ship is captained by a Dustkeeper warmind with the Cyberwarfare Protocols skill, their cyberwarfare attacks have 25% reduced cooldown (for both anti-ship hacks and anti-fighter hacks) and ignore 30% of the target's defenses against cyberwarfare (from its ECM score or an installed ECCM Package)



  • All ships with this hullmod have a unique quote at the bottom of the hullmod's description, displayed at the bottom of the ship's wiki page.