A Promise

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A Promise is a quest in Secrets of the Frontier's Watcher Beyond the Walls module, and the start of Sierra's questline. It is followed by A Memory.


A few shabby-looking ship officers share drinks, telling stories and occasionally bursting out in laughter or argument, drawing eyes from the other spacers.

–- bar flavour text

The quest begins to appear as a bar event at any core world colony's portside bar once the player is at least level 5, with the prompt Join the patrol officers in their discussion.

Step-By-Step Walkthrough

  • Join the patrol officers in their discussion. Through this dialogue, you'll learn of a strange ship downed in a core worlds system.
  • Go to the disabled ship's system and locate it. The ship emits large distress pings that are visible while the ship itself is hidden.
  • Interact with the disabled ship. The ship's AI warmind, Venator-Echo-Memoir, will offer you the location of a rendevouz point outside of the core, and then self-destruct.
  • Go to the rendevouz point's system and find the ODS Dusklight, a disabled AI cruiser floating in a ship graveyard.
  • Speak with the Dusklight's command mind, Outrider-Annex-Courser. Courser will ask you to rescue someone named Sierra from a station within the system.
  • Locate the Anomalous Station and defeat its Remnant defenders. The defense fleet is small, typically consisting of a cruiser and a few frigates as support. Salvage the Sierra Core from the station.
  • Return the Sierra Core to Annex-Courser, who will ask you to install it into the Pledge-class destroyer floating nearby.
  • Meet and briefly converse with Sierra. She will offer to join the player's fleet. Refusing her at this point permanently locks the player out of her questline.
  • Speak with Annex-Courser again to complete the quest, gaining some reputation with them and gaining the Courser Protocol ability, which allows you to request Courser to bring a hunter-killer fleet to assist you for a time.

Note that the above steps denote the longest route to complete the quest. To complete it with all rewards, the player need only:

  • Complete the bar event
  • Find the rendezvous point
  • Rescue Sierra from the station and install her into her ship
  • Speak with Courser
