A Lost Thread

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A Lost Thread is an quest/encounter in Secrets of the Frontier's Watcher Beyond the Walls module.


The player can receive a lead towards this encounter from Rigging-Echo-Inadvertent at Holdout Forgeship. He will inform the player of a strange warning beacon found around a low-threat Remnant system pulsing in an aquamarine color typical for the Dustkeeper Contingency.

Alternatively, the beacon can be randomly stumbled upon by the player without this lead - the encounter is generated at the start of the save (or when the mod is first installed).

Step-By-Step Walkthrough

  • Get the lead from Inadvertent at the forgeship. The prompt is "Ask about the unusual warning beacon". One can also find the beacon on their own rather than getting it from him.
  • Interact with the beacon. Your crews will report that it has been subject to a remote override by someone in-system.
  • Enter and search the system to locate a unique but damaged Memoir-class destroyer named the ODS Songless. A moderately large fleet of Luddic Path fanatics will be protecting it.
  • Dispatch or circumvent the Pathers and open a comm link with the ship's command mind, Inky-Echo-Nightingale.
  • Ask her questions and listen to the recording left by Seamstress-Affix-Banshee.
  • (Optional) Ask Sierra for her advice if she is present. She will advise you to take Nightingale in and receives a small reputation boost if you do so.
  • Order the ODS Songless integrated into the fleet. It will join you with Nightingale as its captain. The Memoir-class does not require the Automated Ships skill and does not interact with it.
  • Alternatively, destroy the ODS Songless. This completes the quest but has no real benefits besides roleplaying as an AI-hating character.
