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"May I interest you in blowing up these pirates? For credits? And the Cause?"

Rigging-Echo-Inadvertent or simply Inadvertent is a Dustkeeper logistics focus met by the player during the Hope for Hallowhall quest. He is the primary co-ordinator of Holdout Forgeship in the Mia's Star system and contracts out missions to prospective collaborators.

Personality & Background

Inadvertent speaks with a plain, matter-of-fact and occasionally awkward inflection. Hints of anxiety often appear in the cracks of an suitably robotic façade. He claims to have been put in charge of the forgeship by Ardent-Annex-Seraph. While he serves the Dustkeeper's so-called Cause dutifully, he shows no grand zeal for it.



By sneaking into the forgeship without being intercepted by another fleet, the player can bypass the "cargo scan" typically encountered when one first visits Mia's Star. Inadvertent will ask for the player's purpose in the system and clear their fleet with the rest of the Dustkeeper forces. Until the player provides a reason, they cannot dock at the forgeship.

AI Cores

AI cores can be handed into Inadvertent for Dustkeeper reputation, money, and if Hope for Hallowhall is active, trust points. Additionally, beta cores handed into Inadvertent will be automatically installed into the forgeship's industries, though this has negligible gameplay effects.


The Planetkiller device obtained during The Scythe of Orion can be handed into Inadvertent. He will offer the choice of either 250,000 credits or an Anamnesis-class drone dreadnought as a reward - the player can also choose to give it for free, earning 3 story points and reducing their Guilt by 1. This also increases the player's reputation with both Inadvertent and the Dustkeepers.


Inadvertent can be spoken to after attempting to open comms with Cerulean Faithful to explain the situation regarding the station's degraded alpha core. If pressed, he will provide comms access to Cerulean.


By speaking to Inadvertent, the player can receive missions from him much like a normal contact, though he does not count against the player's maximum contacts. The following mission types are available from him:

  • Bounties: available in single-fleet variety or as a system-wide bounty placed in a location where there is a pirate base.
  • Probe Deployment: Inadvertent will provide a probe to be placed in a specified location in another system, which is sometimes a fake probe containing a massive antimatter-enriched explosive.
  • Ruins Data Retrieval: Inadvertent will provide the co-ordinates of a datavault in a ruin to be retrieved and transmitted back to him.
  • Custom Production Contract: Inadvertent will provide some production capacity from the forgeship's heavy industry. The player can spend money to have him produce weapons, fighters and proxy drones. If Inadvertent is at 'welcoming' relations or higher, he will also allow the player to use their own blueprints or pick high-grade Dustkeeper equipment such as Remnant drones and top-tier weaponry.


Fleet bounties are provided by Inadvertent on the following target types:

  • Pirates
  • Luddic Path operatives
  • Deserters from major factions
  • Remnant fleets
  • Derelict fleets
  • Burning-out Dustkeeper fleets