Cerulean Faithful

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"Greetings, greetings, you are very greeted!" 'Cerulean' begins excitedly. "You're a Meat Person, aren't you?"

Cerulean Faithful is an alpha core the player can meet during the Hope for Hallowhall quest. He manages some operations aboard Holdout Forgeship, serving as the station administrator.

Personality & Background

Cerulean has suffered severe damage, reflected in a particularly eccentric mannerisms such as substituting words like "human" or "AI core" for bizarre substitutes such as "Meat Person" or "Thinking-Ball" and speaking as if he were a corporation representative of the Tri-Tachyon corporation, to which he still owes loyalty. Nevertheless, he is friendly and eager to be of assistance.

Cerulean was discovered in the ruins of Hallowhall by the Dustkeeper Contingency holdouts that now control the Mia's Star system. He alleges that someone by the name of 'Jared' sealed him in a storage box when other alpha cores were sent to "The War" to join Tri-Tachyon's AI warfleets, the Remnants. Notably, Cerulean does not appear to owe any allegiance to the Remnants.

He is now permitted to manage some of the local forgeship's operations, albeit under strict supervision - a nuclear deadman's switch threatens to destroy him if anything should go awry. His instability shows in his performance - Holdout suffers a -2 penalty to its stability due to his influence, albeit gaining the same boons as an alpha core typically would provide.


The player cannot initially speak to Cerulean as his comms ID is blocked. Later speaking to Rigging-Echo-Inadvertent or Ardent-Annex-Seraph allows the player to ask for the required comms access, which is granted. Speaking to Cerulean yields amusing dialogue but nothing else.