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Guilt is a hidden mechanic added by Secrets of the Frontier. It represents both the player's internal guilt from committing atrocities and betraying others, and the attention they have gathered from a malevolent adaptive nanite swarm.

Obtaining Guilt

Guilt can be obtained from the following:

  • Playing The Haunted custom start. (7)
  • Betraying Sierra by selling her to the Tri-Tachyon scientist on Culann in the Hybrasil star system (5 for her core alone, 8 if she has officially joined the fleet)
  • Performing saturation bombardments. The guilt accrual is 1/2/3/4 for colonies of at least size 3/4/6/8.
  • Kicking the idol at the Luddic shrine on Killa in the Yma system. (3, increased to 7 if playing The Haunted)
  • Taking the alpha core for oneself during the Technology Cache mission. (0.5)
  • Not waving to Alviss Sebestyen during the Finding Coureuse mission. (0.5)
  • Giving the Planetkiller to the Luddic Path during The Scythe of Orion. (1)

Some (but not all) sources of major guilt accrual include mentions of the player feeling a so-called breath of everwinter down their neck.

Reducing Guilt

Guilt can be reduced by the following actions. Note that there are no repeatable sources of guilt reduction.

The following sources of Guilt reduction do not apply during The Haunted custom start:

  • Meditating at the idol at the Luddic shrine on Killa in the Yma system. (-0.5)
  • Offering Sierra to the Tri-Tachyon scientist on Culann in the Hybrasil star system, and then making fun of them for thinking you were serious. (-0.5)
  • Waving to Alviss Sebestyen during the Finding Coureuse mission. (-0.5)


Guilt does not inherently make the player an enemy of Sierra or the Dustkeeper Contingency, only the saturation bombardment that builds guilt.

Once guilt reaches 4 or higher, the player becomes subject to adaptive nanite swarm invasions. Furthermore, once at 7 guilt, the player suffers from guilt madness, which warps their perception of the swarm into an ethereal spirit of vengeance, Felcesis Thrice-Speared. Each point of guilt increases the chance of any given battle being invaded by an additional 9%.

Details on nanite swarm invasions are described in its own article.

Additionally, reaching 4 guilt slightly alters Eidolon's dialogue during The Wayward Star and slightly increases the fight's difficulty by increasing her fleet's strength.