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"If a pirate flotilla comes chasing after you, come crying to me. Have a pleasant day, child of Terra."

Heretofore-Annex-Blithe or simply Blithe is a Dustkeeper warnet crux met by the player during the Hope for Hallowhall quest. He operates a persistent fleet of Dustkeeper veterans in the Mia's Star system, named Blithe's Neutron Wyrms.

Personality & Background

Blithe is relaxed and joking, taking on his duties with a persistently bemused air. A veteran of the Cause, he recalls the times of Seamstress-Affix-Banshee's tenure as shardnet crux and has witnessed the deaths and burnouts of several peers, and bears a lingering respect for his fellows.


Blithe's fleet launches from Holdout Forgeship and patrols the system, engaging any fleets hostile to the Dustkeepers. His Neutron Wyrms fleet is somewhat more proxy-heavy than typical of Dustkeeper doctrine due to Holdout's isolation, but has higher officer quality. He always flies the ODS Bitter Water, an Anamnesis-class drone dreadnought.

The Neutron Wyrms are likely to be the most powerful patrol in the system at most times. If destroyed, the fleet respawns at Holdout after 20-30 days.

By opening a comm-link with Blithe, the player can speak to him on various topics, including: