Concord - Wispersong

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A specially-tuned energy emitter, installed to Sierra's specifications. Triggers in response to brief spacial interference caused by nearby starship reactor detonations, exacerbating the agitation and generating short-lived particles that are attracted to enemy ships.

–- hullmod description

Concord - Wispersong is a hullmod unlocked at the end of the Wayward Star quest. It can only be installed on ships with the Sierra's Concord hullmod.

Wispersong projects an aura around the ship with a radius of 1600 units. Hostile ships that are disabled or destroyed within the aura will produce wisps, generated 1/2/4/6 wisps depending on hull size (frigate/destroyer/cruiser/capital).

When used by enemy ships, Wispersong raises wisps from all ships whether friendly or hostile.


  • Appear as purple motes of light that act as independent fighter craft
  • Have 1500 hull points, but no armor
  • Attack by discharging energy every half-second at targets within 300 range, dealing 75 energy damage and 100 EMP damage
  • Have a maximum lifetime of 90 seconds, reduced by 1 second each time they fire
  • Explode for 180 energy damage upon expiry or destruction

"Sing to the wisps, and they shall answer. They're always listening - you just need to convince them it's time to play!... okay, no, I see what you're getting at with the crazy-talk now."

–- Sierra-Nought-Bravo

"The Spacial Agitation Resonator intentionally damages the fabric of reality in order to generate autonomous and possibly sentient EM-anomalies hell-bent on their own violent proliferation. I refuse to refer to it by a designation incorporating a pun, but she can call it whatever she wants as long as she's the one with the arcane nightmare machine strapped to her liver."

–- chief engineer's report on the "Wispersong Invoker"