Concord Shift

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Briefly rips the ship into an alternate dimension where it can not be hit, time passes more quickly and its speed is increased. Stores up to two charges. Builds up hard flux on activation and while in use.

–Ingame description

Concord Shift is a ship system found on all ships equipped with Sierra's Concord. It acts similarly to a phase cloak, although it takes up the ship's standard system slot and not its defense slot - ships with Concord Shift also have shields. This system is considered to be a phase cloak (and thus benefits from skills and hullmods that affect phase cloaks, such as Field Modulation), but its users are not considered phase ships and do not benefit from skills that exclusively affect phase ships (such as Phase Coil Tuning).

Activating the system immediately builds a small amount of hard flux (typically 2% of the ship's base flux capacity) and tears the ship into phase space over 0.2 seconds, where it remains for 3 seconds before fading back into realspace over 0.25 seconds, before going on cooldown for another 0.125 seconds. The system holds 3 charges, regaining a charge every 6.66 seconds. Note that these values include the bonuses applied by Systems Expertise, which Sierra always has and will always apply to ships using this system.

While phased, the ship:

  • Cannot be hit and passes harmlessly through all ships, projectiles and other objects
  • Experiences time at 300% the normal rate, stacking with the 110% timeflow of Sierra's Concord
  • Has its top speed increases by a flat 75, but suffers a speed penalty as hard flux rises (down to 65% speed at 75% flux)
  • Builds hard flux every second (typically 4% of its flux capacity per second)
  • May suffer "audio malfunctions" potentially interpreted as quiet whispers

Concord Shift serves well as both a repositioning tool, a means to dodge high-damage attacks (such as missiles) and to prepare a new barrage as weapons reload and flux dissipates at higher-than-normal timeflow.

This system becomes unusable if the ship is rendered inert because of Sierra's absence.