Edict Stormblaster

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The Edict Stormblaster is a large energy weapon introduced in Prerelease nine, alongside the Watcher Beyond The Walls module. Functionally, it serves as alternative to the Plasma Canon, trading raw damage output and some accuracy for EMP damage and better flux management.

It is commonly used by Dustkeeper fleets, used on whatever ships can field them.

This weapon originates from InventorRaccon's other notable mod, Arsenal Expansion. Though the mod itself is no longer being updated, a good amount of its content has since been ported to Secrets of the Frontier.


Harnessing the power of phase technology, the Edict fires a burst of three energy bolts that cause heavy structural damage and electromagnetic interference on impact. Performs decently against shields, and inflicts significant additional damage on contact with armor and hull.

A small phase anchor is contained within the Edict's reinforced shell, which forces the weapon's energy-based projectiles into shallowly skimming phase-space. Impact with a target forces a full return to normal space, releasing an additional burst of particles that have a devastating electromagnetic and gravitic impact, shutting off subsystems and tearing bulkheads to shreds. Fortunately, standard starship shields are enough to negate these phase particles.

The Edict is rumored amongst superstitious gunnery crews to be "especially effective against ghosts:, as absurd a notion that is - though, hypothetically, targets capable of being simultaneously hit by the entire realspace and phased components of its projectiles would be devastated by the combined impacts.


While these are the official stats for the weapon, it should be noted that the values reflect the results of firing the Edict Stormblaster once, rather than utilizing the three shot burst mechanic. When used as intended, the true values are more likely to be significantly different than what is listed.

For convenience, additional values reflecting the intended usage have been added.

It should be noted that the 3x values may not be entirely accurate to gameplay performance. Please proceed with light skepticism.

Primary Data
Primary Role General
Mount Type Large, Energy
Ordinance Points 24
Range 750
Damage 400 (3x = 1200)
Damage per second 436 (3x = 1308)
EMP damage 300 (3x = 900)
Flux per second 545 (3x = 1635)
Flux per shot 500 (3x = 1500)
Flux per non-EMP damage 1.25 (idk what this stat does or means)
Additional information Hits on hull or armor arc to weapons and engines, dealing 40% of the energy damage and 100% of the EMP damage dealt by the original hit.
Ancillary Data
Damage type Energy
Accuracy Medium
Turn Rate Medium
Refire delay (seconds) 2.1
Hidden Stats
Max burst size 3 shots
Value 8000
Rarity 3


The Edict is similar to the Plasma Cannon in form. It costs less ordinance points and flux to use, in addition to featuring EMP arcs. The tradeoff is the sheer decrease in damage, in addition to loosing the Plasma Cannon's perfect accuracy.

Ideally, the Edict best serves as an alternative to the Plasma Cannon. The drop in Ordinance points means that it can be slotted in on some builds that just barely don't have enough to fit a Plasma Cannon while maintaining flux efficiency. The EMP arcs also allow it to provide some support as well, disabling weapons on opponents that have unwisely turned their shields away from your weapons.

Overall, the Edict serves the "General" role much better than it's more destruction-focused older brother in the Plasma Cannon. While not able to excel in the same degree of devastation as the Plasma Cannon, its ability to be more easily slotted into builds ensures that it is not overshadowed.


  • In Prerelease ten, the changelog lists the following: "Reimplemented Edict Stormblaster trails"
    • Though it is currently not confirmed, it is believed that this has to do with the weapon originating from Arsenal Expansion.
  • In Prerelease 0.13, the Edict received a damage buff, going from 300 damage to 400 damage.
    • additionally, it "is now known by the Luddic Church", whatever Raccoon means by that.
  • In Prerelease 0.14.2, the Edict had it's value reduced to 8000, previously being at 12500. Its rarity was also raised from 2 to 3.
    • In the mod files, the "weapon_data.csv file" does not reflect this change.


  • There is a typo in the codex description for this weapon: "rumored" in paragraph 3 is spelled as "rumoured"
  • Before being patched, the Edict from Arsenal Expansion and the Edict from Secrets of the Frontier were technically two different weapons. This has since been rectified.
    • Due to the patch itself being implemented within Arsenal Expansion rather than Secrets of the Frontier, it is not listed under Changes.